Saturday, November 29, 2008

Whew what a weekend, and it ain't over yet!!

So, did everyone have a great Thanksgiving? We sure did!

Right now it is Saturday evening and I'm home, trying to relax, blog and whatever.

Thursday was very nice and quiet. We went to my moms where we proceeded to stuff ourselves with all the yoummy goodness that we had made. After doing justice to the two desserts that were there and watching some more football, Chris headed back to Dallas and Nicole and I settled in for the evening with my mom.

Friday morning my mom wanted to take me to her exercise class. Turns out I was the youngest one there, it being the Silver Sneakers Club and all, but I did all the exercises and enjoyed it. Never saw my mom work it before but I did then and it was alot of fun.

After exercise class we proceeded to the restaurant La Madelaine, and blew what calories we had just worked off, my having a bacon, egg and cheese croissant and all. ( but it was soooo good). We then went back to her house to await the arrival of my BFF Nikki and her kiddos.

They finally got there around 2pm or so, and my mom agreed to watch all three kiddos while Nikki and I went out to lunch and then hit Walmart. My mom talked the kiddos into helping her make a pepperoni pizza, which they did, but they didn't leave Nik and I any!

Nikki and I went out to lunch , then headed to Walmart. I was determined to not spend more than $100. I checked out at the register at $99.63!!! How cool was that? I wound up getting my mom a big pink fluffy robe she had been eyeing for a bit and wanted so bad, so I just gave that to her when we got back to her house. Nikki and I also bought each others presents , by both pointing to a book we wanted and then buying it, and I got some of Nicoles presents done too!

All in all it was a great day, until...

Chris called me while we were at Walmart and saidnot to come home with Nikki and her kids.
"Because I started not feeling well and took my temperature and it was 102"

Yippee... so we all wound up staying at my moms. We were packed like a can of sardines but boy did we have fun. This morning Nikki and I got up and made breakfast for everyone , cleaned up my moms kitchen, proceeded to get all blankets, pillows and assorted other stuff packed away and they left aroumd 11. Since sick or not, Chris had to work today, my mom brought Nicole and I home around 2 or so.

Here are some pictures I hope you enoy ( remember I hadn't seen Nikki in 2 yrs!)

These are the kiddos all together, Sonya, Nathan and Nicole

My little 'Royally Awesome' kiddo, with a background of Nikki getting ready

Nikki and I! ( before hair, makeup and the assorted other gear to make us look beautimos0

Nicole and Sonya

Nicole and Sonya ( they got along great, once Sonya showed Nicole her Nintendo DS)
My mom relaxing during the showing of Wall-E lastnight; she was also playing solitaire

Nikki also during the movie. I was sitting on the couch next to her, snapping random pics, hahaha

Let me know how ya'lls turkey day went!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thankful Thursday part deux

(it's only part deux because I did a thankful Thursday post last week too!)

I'm thankful for so many things at this moment , and they are too numerous to list.

I am hoping everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday. one day of stuffing your face full of turkey and all the goodies won't blow your diet, just don't eat for the next three days or so, hahaha.

Here is another doodle from Rick, thought it was cute and I didn't just want another picture of a turkey or a cornucopia!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Skating, fun and Lots of Giggling

Well yesterday I had Nicole and her two good friends Carson and Karleigh.

Karleigh got dropped off here early yesterday morning because her mom had a bunch of other stuff to do , which was fine - her and Nicole played till we had to go get Carson.

After we picked Carson up , I got turned around and it took us a half hour to get to the skating rink that was supposedly only 10 minutes away...

The girls wound up having a blast.

This is what we were supposed to have done for Nicole birthday party, so she got her presents from her friends too. She had mentioned to me that she wanted a personal doorbell for her room. I had never heard of this, but lo and behold Karleighs mom found on, lol. A pink one. That takes voice messages if the person isnt' in their room.

From Carson she got a "party for 8" , with make-up, a tiara, beauty pageant sash and tons of beads for making bracelets. Needless to say , after lastnight, I'm wondering how many beads I'll either be vacuuming up or stepping on in the next few days, hahaha.

Tomorrow we are going to my moms so today I have to make a pumpkin cheesecake and scalloped eggplant for my contributions. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, but I'm REALLY looking forward to Friday. My BFF NIKKI, is coming into town and my mom has graciously agreed to watch the kiddos and her and I are going out to lunch and browse/shopping. We always seem to wind up in a bookstore because that is just one of the many things we have in common is our love of books.

She and I have been friends for 20+ plus years, and I haven't seen her in two , so I'm way excited and will surely get pics of the kiddos together and then of us. /squeal I can't wait!!!!

Ya'll have good day and a safe holiday tommorow.

*P.S. Daddy, at this time of year I'm thankful you are no longer in pain and suffering but I miss you, and wish you were here. Love you:)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Picture Catch Up

Good Monday Morning to all! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Chris finally got aroudn to fixing my bluetooth connection so that I could get some pics off of my phone that I wanted to share with you for the last few weeks.

However before I do, a few of you were giving me grief when I was complaining of the cold here in Texas. I know up north it is alot colder and there is even snow, but I'm telling you for Texas , this time of year it was cold.

Maybe my cold tolerance has depleated since I mainly grew up down here. I do remember the winters up in Oak Lawn, going to school in my snow mobile suit. I also remember the rare occasions where our neighbors two humongous dogs would pull us on the sleds around the neighborhood. I remember my dad having to dig tunnels so my dog Snoopy could go outside. I know I have pics of me on my swingset , in my red suit, lol.

(I'll have to dig those out and post them here soon, seems like the perfect time of year to do so.)

Nicole wants to see real snow . She has seen real snow, but the fluffy stuff we get down here is not good for snowmen, or snowballs for that matter. The last time I remember it snowing alot, we did build a snowman , but by the time we finished him, we were borrowing snow from other yards and he was mostly brownish with leaves and dirt, lol.

Anyway, here are the pics I was wanting to share with you:

This one is specifically for Hallie at WWoW. Good ol' Mr S.M got his own brand of clothing now or what? I found these at the Target in Abilene...

This is a picture of a grayish storm covered Texas sky.. it rained a ton that day and made everything very dreary.

These next two photos are of the backyard of the house where we stayed when we were in Abilene to see Chris' grandfather before he passed on. The lake is Lake Fort Phantom, and what a site to wake up to every morning with the sun breaking over the lake shining right into the living room.

This is the house we stayed at. It is the house of a cousin on Chris' side. She was out of town on business that week so she let us stay there , for which we will be forever grateful.

Hope ya'll enjoyed the pictures. Have a great day!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

So Sweet

When I started this blog I never expected people to actually read it! However, I'm glad that they do, ( I'm over 5000 hits!) and I enjoy reading several other blogs and I like receiving comments.

The newest blog I added t my list is from Queenie Jeannie. Her posts are always so upbeat , sweet and/or funny. She has an adorable little girl, Isabella ( Bella for short), she is an Army wife, and she too has great household suggestions and tips, as well as a published cookbook.

If you haven't checked her out yet you really should!

She also awarded me this:( and I am honored!)

Saturday, November 22, 2008


sorry had to channel Minnie Pearl for a proper good morning.

I woke up all nice and toasty warm this morning after spending the entire day yesterday freezing my butt off. Nicole got out of school at 1230 yesterday and I was there the entire time helping out if various rooms with holiday parties and getting the library ready for the book faire and it was COLD in there...Once wegot hom, I put on the heaviest sweats I had and it got a little better.

Then Nicole and I had to go pick up Chris from the bustop. The only consolation for getting cold all over again is that he bought us Sonic for dinner. I finally warmed up when I went to bed and buried myself under two blankets, and had both dogs curled up next to me, lol.

After I'm fully awake and I throw some sweats on I'm going grocery shopping, then when I come home Nicole and I will be working in her room. We are trying to get some of the little girlish stuff out of there, and make it look a little tweeny. She got two Jonas Bros. posters for her birthday, so she wants those up too. Maybe I"ll post a pic of it when we get it done. ( IF she could EVER learn how to use a hanger... but thats a whole other story )...

We are out of school for the whole week now for Thanksgiving. Tuesday I'm taking Nicole, Karleigh and Carson ice-skating and out to lunch for her make-up biday party. They are looking forward to it, and it sounds kind of fun to me too, but I will NOT be ice skating.

We are going to my mothers for Thanksgiving Dinner, my MIL will not be able to come up here for the holiday though, since she was up here for Daddy Jimmy's funeral a few weeks ago. The drive is hard on her so she will be staying in San Antonio unfortunately. She will be up here for Christmas though.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! What are your plans for this Thanksgiving holiday?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I am going to count today as Thankful Thursday. I will probably do this again on the actual day of Thanksgiving, but I had a good day none the less.

I subbed today for 7th and 8th grade science. I only had one class of 8th graders, and the other 4 were 7th grade. MOST of the classes were ok, but I always have a few little offenders who drive me nuts. I have them in other classes when I sub and they don't always give me problems, so I can't figure out why they do in this one. Oh well.

Anyway, why am I thankful today? I work with some AWESOME people. ALL the teachers that I have had the pleasure of meeting , or who have helped me while I've subbed are just fantastic, and very sweet. Today the PTO ( our version of the PTA) gave the entire staff a Thanksgiving Day feast. ( The kids get out at 12:30pm tomorrow and are out till December 1st.)

We were given turkey, green bean casserole, stuffing , rolls, and a choice of either pumpkin pie or chocolate cake. It was sooo goood. So much better than the leftovers I had brought for lunch.

Tomorrow I will be there the entire morning till they get out because I'm helping the librarian set up for the book faire which will be the week they come back, and I'm also helping out Nicoles class with their pizza party. Since it will also be the last Friday of the month that they are in school, all kids with a November bday are allowed to bring treats. So when I am finished with this post I have to go frost two dozen fudge marble cupcakes. Yee-Haw...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Laura~Peach tagged me the other day and I told her I would do it yesterday,but I didn't blog. then I got obsessed with this chick hair lastnight ( see post below this one) and still didn't do it, so here goes.

I am tagged to tell 7 weird or unusual things about me, link to the person who tagged me, then tag 7 others and let them know...

Seven Weird Things About Me:

1) I can watch certain movies over and over BUT
2) will only read a book once
3)when I eat dinner, no matter what the side dish or vegetable is, I mix them together. Grosses my family out, but I do it anyway, especially if its a cheesy sidedish.
4) I hate celery. It makes me gag
5)I can write upside and backwards. My mom taught me to do this when I was a little girl, and in junior high and highschool I used to write notes backwards, so if the teacher accidentely picked it up , he/she would be momentarily stunned because they couldn't immediately read it, and what teacher has a mirror THAT handy?
6)I think I've mentioned this before but when I met Chris , my husband, I was dating his good friend. Glad I realized His friend had some mega problems, and was not the man for me.
7)When I was a little girl I took organ lessons. Not piano lessons like a normal child. While other little boys and girls were trying to play Fur Elise, I was pounding out the Beer Barrell Polka:)

Hmmm, as for the 7 I'm supposed to tag... most of them have done this one already, so if I accidentely tag you and you've done this one before , just let me know and disregard!

Queenie Jeannie
Sgt. Suds Wife
My Two Army Brats
Noble Pig
Manic Mommy

Have a great day!

Please let me touch it.....

( wonder how many strange and exciting people will bisit this bog due to that title...)

Lastnight we had a 'thing' to attend at Nicoles school. It was the 10th anniversary of the school, and they had invited three politicians ( I won't say who) to give an educational summit. This was being talked up like it was going to be a big deal. To me all I heard was boooorrrriiiinnnggggg....

The kindergartners and first graders showed us they knew the Pledge of Allegiance, waving their little flags, hand over heart. The second, third and fourth graders then sang America the Beautiful and the LifeSchool Song. All of the little preformances were really cute. Then they were all sent out and the Q and A session was about to begin.

Thats when she showed up...A man and woman hurried in and found the two seats right in front of Chris and I. I was trying desperately to concentrate on the speech of the superintendent, and the Public Relations lady, and the politicians. But the impeccably dressed lady in front of me did not permit me this pleasure.

She had a ponytail. A normal , sleeked back pony tail of her pretty brown hair. Supposedly not a hair out of place, or so she thought. And this little clump of hair distracted me the entire night. She had obviously pulled her hair back and one little clump got caught in the actual band and was sticking out. I know there are new styles where that happens, but this was not one of them. If you looked at her from the front, you could not see it.

All I wanted to do was reach out and pull that little clump free of its green prison and smooth the rest of her hair out. O.M.G. it drove me nuts. I faintly remember what the politicians were saying and I think Chris commented to me once or twice, but all I wanted to do was fix that chicks pony tail. obviously she did not take another mirror and check the back of her hair do.

I actually had to come close to sitting on my was that bad.

Has anything like that happened to any of you?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Shimmy Shimmy, Wiggle Wiggle

I've mentioned it before, but haven't extolled on this.

I used to be a Bellydancer. I loved it. I was good at it. I dropped pounds, I was looking pretty good, and felt wonderful. If you've ever wanted to Bellydance but thought you didn't have the body for it, let me dispel that myth. I felt the same way and was scared to start lessons. I was told by the teacher, as well as many of the higher up students that the type of men (usually middle-eastern) that typically watch belly dancers like a little flesh on the dancer. I was still skeptical.

The more I got into it, the more I loved it. Chris must have thought I was looking good too because it wasn't too long after I lost weight that I got pregnant with Nicole! Normally you can continue to bellydance even while pregnant but I only danced through like my fourth month due to problems I was beginning to experience.

Sidenote here... the troupe I was taking lessons from and wanted so desperately to be a part of were, and still are regular performers at our Renaissance Festival in Waxahachie, ( Scarborough Faire). On Mothers Day Weekend, of May 1998 I got my wish and got to be one of the dancers at Scarborough Faire. Due to my blossoming figure I had to borrow one of my friends costumes who was a bit bustier than I , and a smidgen bigger in the waist. I loved it. That was one of the highlights of my life. That wasn't the only performance I had done though, and the last time I performed was 3 mos after Nicole was born.

As with many hobbies that one may start I had to quit for financial reasons. If I hadn't been diagnosed with the neuropathy I would have gotten back into it, but since bellydancers generally dance barefoot I can't do it anymore with the foot drop.

Lastnight on YouTube I came across a video just recently posted of the professional group of the troupe I was with performing here in Dallas. The troupe I was so proud to be a part of was
Isis and the Stardancers. The professional dancers of this troupe are called the Wings of Isis , and I found this video of them. Isis doesn't perform as much as she used to but while watching the video I was very happy to see her. She comes out aobut mid-video alone in a black costume with a red veil. She is the one with the flaming red hair. Every year when we go to the Renaissance festival I go see the show to see if there are any dancers there that I still know. Every year I find one or two and am so happy to see old friends.

Please shut my music off and enjoy this video:

I do have a few pictures from when I danced and I will try to find them and post them soon.

So if you have ever had the urge to bellydance, thinking it might be cool, go for it, I highly reccomend it. I will also say that if I can find a studio near us that I like, as we live too far from Isis anymore, I will gladly enroll Nicole. Bellydancing IS NOT stripping and it is a very beautiful thing. I will say that a few people in my family thought it was stupid and mocked me. Others saw me dance and were awed, not by me but by the whole idea of it and the show they watched.

So I say go ahead and shimmy a bit, you might be surprised;)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

You've Got To Be Kidding Me

Thursday after Nicole and I got home from school, as we were getting out of the car she pointed and said "Mom our neighbors are weird", and as we have alot of those in this neighborhood I had to look to see where she was pointing...

Lo and behold the house across the street and slightly caddy corner from us had a lighted wire Christmas tree in their yard. I truly didn't know what to say. When it got dark later that evening and we went to drive to the bus stop to get Chris, Nicole looked that way and said "You've got to be kidding". Not only did they now have their wire and lights Christmas tree in the yard, but Frosty, Rudolph and about a million Christmas lights.

It is two weeks till THANKSGIVING!!!! And as if that wasn't enough , after we picked Chris up we went grocery shopping at Walmart. We walked in and there was a nicely decorated Christmas tree. ( even when we were in Abilene on Halloween? we walked in and there was a Christmas tree at that walmart, with bats and ghost and goblins flying around the rest of the store... and Christmas candy on one side of the aisle and Halloween candy on the other...)

As we went through the store Thursday night I also heard Christmas music being piped into the store.

I wonder... are they trying to brain wash us? They build us up into a Christmas frenzy , wanting us to spend tons of money on Black Friday?

I can't help but think, that even though I love Christmas , I've now found th reason why I cna't stand Christmas music by Mid- December. I've been listening to it for over a month already!!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008


Michelle tagged me for a one word meme. You have to keep your answers to ONE word.... oh boy, since I have a big mouth this might me difficult...

The rules?
Answer the following questions in one word and then pass it on to seven others.

Where is your cell phone? Desk
Where is your significant other? work
Your hair color? blond
Your mother? sweet
Your father? Heaven
Your favorite thing? laughter
Your dream last night? Unknown
Your dream/goal? Happiness
The room you’re in? computer
Your hobby? reading
Your fear? heights
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Happy
Where were you last night? shopping
What you’re not? quiet
Where you grew up? Texas
Last thing you did? drove
What are you wearing? Clothes
Your TV? on
Your pet(s)? crazy
Your computer? home-built
Your mood? good
Missing someone? yes
Your car? buick
Something you’re not wearing? shoes
favorite store? wal-mart:)
Your summer? hot
Love someone? Yes
Your favorite color? blue
When is the last time you laughed? Today
Last time you cried? today

Okies, now I have to tag 7 people - but I will shuffle the rules a little bit here... not everyone likes doing memes, so if you want to do this Please do it, its fun and NOT as easy as it looks!

Will post later, have a great evening!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oh My!!!!

Since this has been a very busy work week for me, and I haven't had alot of time to think of things to post, I thought I would dig through my e-mail files and leave a funny so here it is.. ENJOY!!



After their baby was born, the panicked father went to see the Obstetrician.

'Doctor,' the man said, 'I don't mind telling you, but I'm a little upset because my daughter has red hair. She can't possibly be mine!!'

'Nonsense,' the doctor said'. 'Even though you and your wife both have black hair, one of your ancestors may have contributed red hair to the gene pool.'

'It isn't possible,' the man insisted.' ?????? 'This can't be, our families on both sides had jet-black hair for generations.'

'Well,' said the doctor, 'let me ask you this. How often do you have sex???

' The man seemed a bit ashamed . 'I'v e been working very hard for the past year. We only made love once or twice every few months.'

'Well, there you have it!' The doctor said confidently. 'It's rust.'

Now please don't tell me I'm making fun of babies/people with red hair or any other color hair for that matter, I just thought the joke was cute so LAUGH!!!!

Whew aren't you glad tomorrow is Friday?!?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

all these computers and nothing to do....

I subbed today. Seventh grade and up computer class. I was there all day , from 8-330 and I couldn't log in to my precious blogs. Because then I would have totally forgotten about the kids. I would have been visiting with you, my fellow bloggers, and having a grand time;)

Anyway, I logged in as soon as I got home. I went to visit Michelle at My Semblance of Sanity ( to get to her site and laugh till you puke, just click on the widget on my sidebar).

However, today she is not laughing. She is praying and pleading. First, please read her post HERE, then read the one HERE and do what you can to help little Coleman. If all you can do is pray then please do that too!

If you are new to the blogosphere, and have no clue what the heck I'm talking about , please click on my Its 4 The Kids button on my sidebar. This site was also created by Michelle and is being used to help raise money so we can get rid of childhood cancer!


Well I've got to go start dinner, and do a few dishes and fold some laundry. Hope everyone had a fantastic day. I know it is Veteran's Day and I have not forgotten those who have fought and died for our country. I'm proud to know a few personally , as well as my family members who were in the military. All I can do is say Thank You:)
Nicoles school is having their Veterans Day Assembley on Friday. I wil be there and hopefully can get some video of it.

Hope everyone had a good day:) I will try to catch up on some more of my blog reading later tonight or tomorrow. Bye for now!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Good Morning Monday!

Yuppers it is Monday once again, and so far its a good Monday. Soooo much better than this time last week. Daddy Jimmy was buried Saturday with full military honors. The pastor had talked about his distinguished military career and when one of the guards presented the flag to Jean, he was actually crying.

Chris wants to thank everyone for all the kind words he has received through my blog and e-mail. He will be doing a guest post here soon which many of you said you are looking forward to.

I came across a new blog today. Right now Jeannie is having a cookbook giveaway and she gives you a chance for 11 entries! If you love cookbooks and want to eat healthy, even if you can't boil water, then this cookbook is for YOU! So click here and get your entries in! The contest runs 11/7-11/14.

Also, Jojo of Random Insanities found a way to help out the Children's Miracle Network by creating your own version of the Pringles Potato Chip can:) so have fun and of course go help the kids!

Nicole competed in her UIL Oral Reading competition but didn't place. We found out this was the first year for this particular event and NO ONE from her school placed, so now that they know what to expect they will do even better next year. I'm so proud of her for entering on her own though.

Friday I got to sub for 4th grade and had Nicoles class in the afternoon. I had asked her that morning what she was going to call me and she said mom. I told her to TRY to call me Ms Able and at one point she got flustered and called me Ms Mom! hahaha. I had to give them two tests, and they weren't all that happy. At one point Nicole came to ask me a question about the test and I helped her like I would any other child but I did not give the answer. She seemed a bit put back with that , that I didn't just give her the answer. Imagine that.

Well fall has definitely hit our part of Texas. We had storms during the night and around 5ish or so this afternoon we are supposed to get slammed with storms, hail, high winds and isolated tornadoes. Yippee. You know that word sends shivers down my spine. It's also chily enough to warrant sweat pants, so at least I'm comfy.

Starting to TRY to figure out what we will be doing for Thanksgiving, we might be getting to go out of town to my MILs so that will be fun.

Hope everyone has a fantastic day !

Friday, November 7, 2008


run, run, run... worked yesterday, working today... MIL coming in town this afternoon, house a wreck.. (YIKES)
3 baskets of laundry clean , but not folded....
no time, to be on computer, have to leave in 25 mins and not finished getting ready.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Beautiful Girl

Here is my beautiful 10 year old Nicole! Isn't she pretty? Today is her actual birthday and she is feeling better and off to school.
My mom called her this morning to sing Happy Birthday to her, which made her laugh.
She wants me to make her a meatloaf for dinner and I'm making her a confetti cake.
In addition to her new doll, she also got a new pair of shoes that she saw and wanted immediately, which she got with some birthday money.
Her great aunt and uncle got her a huge Jonas Brothers framed picture, and we got her the Hannah Montana 3-D concert DVD, which will be blaring probably as soon as she gets home from school, lol.
My MIL also got her a Hannah Montana activity book , which came with a fortune teller and trinket box , and tons upon tons of pages to answer with her friends. She also found a Hannah Montana card game, so I'm sure we will play that tonight too. Do you see a theme here?
She sure has grown into a sweet, lovable, and smart young lady that I'm so proud of. I'll get pictures of her and her new doll Katheryne , and her with her birthday cake and such and post them when my computer stops fighting me when I try to upload them.

( I also want to thank all of you for your kind words about Daddy Jimmy. Chris is doing ok considering everything and is trying to figure out a guest post that he said he would like to do.
All of your kind words were passed onto the other family members and they couldn't believe just how sweet and beautiful the comments were.)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


James E. Able
May 8, 1921 - November 4, 2008

I've mentioned previously that Daddy Jimmy was an important part of our history.
He was part of the U.S Army, 508th Division, 82nd Airborne, 'Red Devils' Paratroopers.
He jumped onto the beach in Normandy on D-Day.
For years he lectured high school students when they were studying the war. If you heard him tell the stories, you were listening to a major part of history. He was awarded the Medal of Valor and a Purple Heart.
He was a wonderful man, and will be greatly missed.
He passed around sunrise, just the time when he would normally be getting onto the lake for a good morning of fishing.
Please keep our family in your prayers during this time of grief.


Good Grief...after a long drive home lastnight we got settled back into our familiar surroundings. We watched Dancing with the Stars, which we were happy to catch.
Nicole and I went to bed around 10pm or so. I dozed off watching TV - she did too.
Nicole woke up around 1130 and threw up all over the place.
Now my question is - her favorite doll ( NOT her new one though) caught a good portion of the explosion. We were able to clean up the plastic parts of her, but her body is fabric and still stinks to no end like sour vomit. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to clean this doll? Only the head, hands and feet are plastic, the legs, arms and entire torso are fabric.
Please someone tell me there is a way to clean this doll...that we don't have to throw away a doll that she has had since she was 2!!!

Also, I have to catch up on reading all the blogs that I normally do, but I did see a small update on the missing lady from So Grateful to be Mormon. They found her truck, with her stuff in it, but not her. Lena has an update here, with the newspaper article.
Your continued prayers would be appreciated.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Home Safe At Least

Well we are home from Abilene. Just giving ya'll a quick update.
Daddy Jimmy is still around with us:) however he is now comatose. There is still family trying like crazy to get to him within the next 48 hours and we are praying they will.
We saw him first thing Saturday afternoon and he didn't recognize us, but later that afternoon he did.
Sunday not so much. But everyone sat around his room , taking turns since it was small, and talked to him. This weekend was very hard on Nicole, not because she didn't get to go trick or treating, or because we had to cancel her birthday party on Saturday, but because she didn't want anything to happen to him around her birthday. I told her to talk to him, he would hear her , and she said she didn't want to with everyone around, so we gave her all the time she wanted in there with him and she had her say. She came up, visibly upset but smiling. Daddy Jimmy had uttered hello. At the time he was aware of her being in the room and for that I'm grateful.
Saturday , since we had had to cancel her birthday party, we took a break from sitting around the hospital and took her out to lunch and to the store to get a specific doll she was looking forward to getting with her friends at her party. So that made her day.
Thankfully we didn't have to shell out money we didn't have for a hotel room and we wound up staying at the house of a distant cousin who was out of town on business. My MIL had checked with her and we had her permission. So we just had to spend some money for food that I cooked for us all.

Well I'm going to go unpack a bit and get into my jammies.
And thank you to all who wished ME well with the shingles. I did not have a very good time of it due to them. and me forgetting my pain meds, but I got thru it ok.
Allison, I couldn't have Valtrex because I was on the down swing with them by the time I went to the doctor and he said they woudln't work.
Karen Deborah, I didn't go around ANY pregnant person that I knew of . Wasn't around much of anyone and those that I was around knew I had them and didn't seem worried.
I'm doing much , much better and will be doing even better after sleeping in my own bed.

more later , hope ya'll had a good weekend. Despite the somber mood of the weekend, I did get some pics I will share later:)
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