Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Never Fails


Remember the MDA Stride and Ride that I've mentioned a few times these past few months?
Well it takes place this coming Saturday.

Well, in the past when we've participated its been really cold those days and this year is no different.

Where last week we had highs in the low to mid 70s? This week the temps are steadily dropping, and by Thursday night / Friday morning we might see some of the white frozen stuff falling. Its supposed to be in the high 20s/low 30s Saturday morning , and this time the walk is at the new Arlington Stadium, NOT indoors at the mall like previous years. BRRRR!!!!

The snow should make for a interesting morning Friday as well since Nicole has school and I am supposed to work, LOL.

Wish us luck!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Busy like a bee that is. all in all we are doing great though - no complaints.
Nicole got through her first two TAKS benchmarks this past week, and I was there working three days. I had first and second grade all those days - it was an adventure for sure! But I've said it before and I'll say it again - I love working there. Everyone I work with is nice, and I like being where Nicole is. Sometimes I get to see her during the day and sometimes I even get to have lunch with her, which both of us enjoy.
She has her last benchmark this coming Tuesday. Then those are done till they take the actual TAKS tests to pass the 5th grade sometime in March or April I think. We got Nicoles first semester report card this past Friday and she past all subjects with nothing less than a 94. I'm also happy that we haven't had that many absences due to sickness. Last year by the end of the first semester I think she had something like 10, but so far we only have 5.

She will also be getting her H1N1 shot this week - she is not excited about that but oh well, I'd rather she be uncomfortable for a day or so , then come down with the flu and be sick for a week or more.

I'm working tomorrow, Thursday and Friday this week, but have something going every day.
I will definitely post Wednesday after we have her PT evaluation.

My mom is also doing fine, she went back for a final checkup after her most recent eye surgery and everything is great. Now that we have her eyes fixed, she is finally able to get a new pair of glasses and hopefully that will be it for awhile.

Hope everyone has had a good weekend!

Monday, January 18, 2010

All Better Now:))

FINALLY, we are all feeling better Food is staying where it should ( thank goodness). One of my comments on my last post actually asked if it was morning sickness... um NO!!! not unless my MIL and Chris would be pregnant too!!! Another thing I'm thankful for is that Nicole never got sick, because at 11 yrs of age, I don't think she has EVER made it to the bathroom to do so... ( sorry if that painted a picture.)

Thank you to all who sent best wishes to me , not even knowing what it was that had me a bit worried. If you remember back in June I think it was, that Nicole went to an Ortho specialist because of her knee. She was in a lot of pain and her knee was swelling and had small bruises on it. At the time they told me it was growing pains and that should it get worse to bring her back. They had also found a small cyst behind that knee, but said that shouldn't be causing her any pain.

Well when this winter season hit, oh boy did it hit her knee. There wasn't any position she could have it that was comfortable. It hurt to participate in gym at school. We tried ice, we tried heat, and we tried icy hot. I didn't want to keep giving her Advil or Motrin every night so I had to call the specialist back and see what was up. It was definitely not much better. We had to wait a while to get an appointment but it was finally this past Friday.

After a thorough examination, they said she has very loose joints and that that leg is a bit weak. Physical therapy should be able to strengthen it. We left there with four exercises she is to do nightly and they said that the PT would call me sometime this week to get her set up. Talk about efficient! First thing this morning at 9 am, the PT called to set up Nicoles initial evaluation. It is scheduled for Wednesday the 27th of this month, so we only have to wait a little over a week and she has those 4 exercises to do in the meantime. She has only done them for three nights and they aren't comfortable to do , but she gets through them ok.

I also have to take her in soon to get her evaluated for CMT. When my mother and I were initially diagnosed in 2003 they checked her for it then and she showed no signs, but said to get her rechecked between 10 and 12, so I have to set that in motion by getting her records from the first doctor and getting them to the Dallas MDA clinic. That should be fun!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and a good start to the current week. As long as everyone stays healthy, we should be just fine too!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Sorry for not keeping up with my blog as much as I normally do... sometimes life interferes and nothing can be done about it!

I wanted to do this post yesterday and forgot, then today I was supposed to work all day. I only wound up working till 1030, which is when I left because my stomach started going cuckoo and I wasn't going to be able to keep running to the bathroom and leave the little kinder kiddies by themselves. So I came home and laid in bed and read and watched Desperate Housewives!
( never got into the show much until this week - its kind of funny!!)

What I was wanting to do was a quick welcome to a new blogger. I used to go to school with this woman, who is now married, the mother of a teen and tot, and her and her husband run their own business. She was always writing life updates via Facebook and someone ( not me though) suggested she start blogging. Please stop by and welcome my friend Cathy of The Adventures and Escapades of Joe Cool and Llama Llama.

She seems to be keeping her blog pretty well updated. Stop by, say HI! and heres to hoping ya'll have a great rest of the week. Gotta do something Friday that is wriggling the back of my mind with a teensy bit of worry. Will talk about it more either Friday afternoon or Saturday.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm a bit Grossed Out, are you?

I don't care HOW bad I needed to use toilet paper - I would pass, thank you very much.

Butt ( lol) the question is, if the toilet paper broke off, or got stuck, would YOU stick your finger in there to fix it or retrieve it?

This funny as hell, yet kind of gross e-mail was forwarded to me from my mom. Thanks loads, hahahaha!

Hoping everyone had a great weekend! We sure did! Some family came up from San Antonio Saturday so we got to visit and exchange Christmas gifts with them. Then we all went out to eat at Romas ( my favorite Italian Restaurant !!!)
Nicole only has a four day school week so she was happy to find that out. They are off Friday for a teacher work day, and then Monday for MLK day.
So far I'm only working Wednesday this week, for Kindergarten,so that should be fun:)

Going to go cruise the blogosphere now and do some catch up reading!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Valentine's Swap

Good morning to all! I hope everyone is staying warm in this frigid weather. I do have to say that living in Texas since I was 8 sure has thinned my blood to cold weather. I have pictures of me dressed in a snow mobile suit, with only my eyes showing, sitting on a 6 ft snow drift when I was like 7. Haven't seen that much snow since then!

A lot of schools around our area are closed or starting late today but Nicoles school wasn't closed and she was not happy about that. She was all ready to walk out the door this morning in her short sleeved uniform shirt and her sweatshirt jacket.. I was like 'not going to happen ' - I told her short sleeved shirt fine, but zip sweatshirt jacket, pull hood up , then put regular jacket on, with that hood too and her gloves and scarf. She was like, its not windy, I'll be fine! What she didn't realize at the time is that our house was blocking most of the Northern wind, and once she got to school and started to walk across the parking lot she'd see I was right for telling her to bundle up...

Remember I had participated in the Halloween Blog or Treat swap, as well as the Santa swap? Well now its time for the Valentines Day swap. Shannon has once again come up with a fun way for us to meet different bloggers.
Here is the button, linked to her site, if you would like to participate or see what it is all about!

Gift Guide

Oh, I was also talking with Hallie this morning via Facebook and she called me a wimp lol, because I told her how cold it was here in Dallas, and she said up there in Maine , it was a balmy 22!

Have a great day all, and I hope everyone stays safe and warm

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Schools In!

WOOHOO! Nicole is back in school! Christmas Break is OVER!!! YAY!!!!!

( you can see this and more fun doodles compliments of Rick Green - just click HERE!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year Humor

Happy New Year to each and everyone of my bloggy friends!

Before I do todays post, let me say that those of you who know me know that I don't go out in the evening much. Usually what I want is right here at home. However an old friend of mine from high school was coming back into town this week and wanted to get together. I agreed , and since I was going to be dropping Nicole off at my moms for the rest of her school vacation I was just going to stay there Wednesday night, ( everyone that we were going out with , and where we were going was in Arlington where she lives...).
Now mind you I haven't seen most of them in 20 years. It was like we hadn't been apart. I had so much fun! Since my night sight while driving isn't the best, one of the guys came so I could follow him to the restaurant. We met two others there. So just the four of us ate, then took off to a local pool hall, where one more showed up. We played pool, which I totally suck at, blasted music, they drank and we had more fun. Then the guys left and us ladies headed to a kareoke (sp?) bar, where we met two other guys we knew.

That was past my bedtime and the end to my evening. I got home around midnight or so. When I walked in Nicole was still awake and my mom was sound asleep, lol. Nicole hugged me and said I stunk and I agreed. Smelled like cigarettes and when you don't smoke you think you wreak!

Anyway, it was a great time, everyone was nice and I want to do it again!

Ok, enough of that - here is todays post. It is from more of my emails, but I thought,'why not start the new year off with humor? after all it is the best medicine!!!'

poor baby...
um ouch?????
I sure hope so...
nuther dumb blond
hehehehehehehe... GO PEPSI!
Get me outta here NOW please

if only it were this simple...
Now, if you want to complain about your job in the new year, think of these poor folk...


are you done yet????
please don't miss, please don't miss.....
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