I had to take an actual driving test when I got my driver's license, right down to the parallel parking. Nowadays I've heard you only have to take a written and prove you took Driver's Ed.
I'm very surprised at the amount of people that think that stick on the left side of their stearing wheel is for decoration. It is SUPPOSED to signal to the person behind you or whatever that you are turning, swithcing lanes or whatever. So many people don't use them anymore, I don't even think about it. I do it automatically because that is the way I was taught.
Also, no one is in such a big hurry or is so important that you cannot stop for one cotton pickin moment while the person in front of you is stopped to make a left turn or is slowing down to make a right turn. DON"T pass them! You can stop for a second... I've actually seen 3-4 cars do this. Sometimes they give no warning so they all of a sudden swerve to go around the stopped car and i'm left to hit the brakes because I have no idea there is someone stopped in front of me.
Ok, enough complaining.
If you have never been to Haillies blog, you need go . She is having a contest that ends tomorrow I think. All you have to do is e-mail her one photoof a cute animal that you own. You may only submit one photo. Then her hubby will pick three finalists. This is the photo I submitted for the contest. This is my gray cockatiel Judy. Isn't she cute? I think she deserves at least an honorable mention:))

I am also very excited because my Aunt Betty and Uncle Glen are coming down here next week. they should be here by the 24th. Just in time for my mom's birthday. I haven't seen my aunt and uncle since January 2005, just after my father passed away. Aunt Betty was my dad's slightly older sister. They live in Maplewood, MN. Iwill get some pictures and put them up in the blogosphere during their visit.
Today is my 2nd day off , I have to go back to work tomorrow morning, then we have to finish Nicoles social studies project that is due Tuesday. Saturday we have a wedding to go to , so it is business as usual.
Hope everyone has a great day!
AWWW...judy is really cute!! and i AGREE with all you said about drivers!!! i can proudly say i DO use the blinker!!
Finally left my wedding story!!
I had fun walking down memory lane!
Hallie :)
Hey, did anything happen at the wedding you could share for your contest, even though you wouldn't win your own contest?
Thanks, btw, I just left my story finally, too.
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