The 5 finalists in a bowl ( Chris couldn't chose just 3)...

Shaking them up reeeeal good
And the winner is :
If you can't read that , the winneris COFFEE BEAN! she entered two stories and the second one just cracked him up.
Coffee, if you will email me , we can decide on colors and what not. I believe you mentioned shades of green??? I have to make a green camo baby blanket, perhaps you want me to make it to match that brides maids dress?? lol
In case you are wondering, the five finalists were: Coffe Bean, Manic Mommy, Lena, Peach and Hallie at Wonderful World of Weiners.
Thank you to all who entered. You gave Chris a good de-stressing evening with all the laughing he did while reading these stories. He said it was very hard to chose 3 finalists, thatis why he made it 5.
I will post the two lapghans I've made recently on my blog probably this weekend. I'll explain why I haveen't done it yet when I do post the pictures.
If anyone else wants a lapghan, let me know. Haven't figured out how much to charge for them, but I know how much the yarn costs to make them:)))
Hope ya'll continue to visit my blog , as I enjoy "visiting" with you . Take care andhave a great day:))
I spent the afternoon with my mom, and my aunt and uncle. Iforgottobringalong my camera when we went sight seeing, but I willhave pictures Saturday from my moms birthday.
Thanks for the contest Mabunny, and congrats to Coffee Bean - and the other winners. All good stories.
Congratulations Coffee bean! I can't wait to see pics of your prize, Loved the all contests its so much fun to see what people come up with!
Congrats Coffee Bean - love the story.
Very cool. Now I have to go back and read the finalist stories to remind myself what they were!
Congrats, Coffee Bean!
Congrats to the winner, sounds like it was a fun contest!
Congrats Cofffee Bean! And Aw shucks for me! ;)
yAy!!!! I am SO EXCITED!!! I thought it would be funny to pick the same colors of my ugly butt dresses but... Naw! I think I'd like it in my son's school colors... Navy Blue, Cardinal red, and Grey.
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