Here it is:

nuther pic of the blankie

2. Chowhounds - So you're not sure what they are? well here is one captured in captivity -
Behold the Chowhound...

Chowhounds come in all shapes and sizes. They seem to live well in captivity, although they can wreak a bit of havoc. I caught this particular chowhound this morning, trying to knock over my kitchen trashcan while I was in the other room. It was trying to get at remnants of something I had made for Nicoles lunch this morning, as well as a papertowel that had soaked up some grease from breakfast sausage.
They can be friendly or not. This particular one is very sweet, but if shes done wrong she will sneak around you trying to be cute.
So do you have a Chowhound around your house?
By the way... they can also pose as teenage children - boys or girls.
3. Random Pics
I mentioned that my phone is now incapable of taking pictures, due to my keeping it near the sink when I did dishes, or on the sink when I took a steamy shower. I am thankful that Nicoles phone is identical to mine so I am using it currently as my picture taker.
I looked at some pictures that she had on her phone , and they are interesting...
This looks like a chowhound, but isn't. Cute though, isn't she?

Nicole , the little Diva! I think one of her friends took this at the UIL competition awhile back.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Happy Monday!
Good job. They turned our really great!
BTW... chowhounds also come in the large male being form.... and sometime they show up in packs.
Gorgeous baby blanket! And the 'dogs' are cute too!
That baby blanket came out beautifully. Loved the photos. I am very familiar with several variations on the chowhound. We used to have a teenage chowhound convention here just about every friday night....
Awww, you did such a great job with that blanket! I am so impressed with how straight you made it. Can you tell I don't knit or crochet or umm create?
so pretty! I wish I knew how to follow patterns I just vary the needle size and threads to have variety. My blankets are all the same single stitch crochet. Your baby girl is precious.
ohhhh blankie is beautiful and hopefully mr chubby cheeks big bald head will fit in the adorable hat too :) Stephanie cracks me up her eyes get huge and she gets all flustered when we tease her that we really do believe this kid may be over 10 pounds!
I cant wait to get ahold of that beautiful blankie I can just feel the softness!
ps that cooper is sure a squirt looking something :) cute, they must be related LOL
love the nicole pics too!
I would die without my camera phone!
Thanks for stopping by and letting me find your blog!
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