Thursday, February 26, 2009

WTF? and D.W.T.S

The WTF??? is for this weird Texas weather.  
If you live here you are probably familiar with the saying "if you don't like the weather now, wait 15 or 20 minutes".  This is due to the ever changing weather, especially during storm season, which we will soon be approaching.  Take yesterday and today for example.
Yesterday the temp was in the mid-70s and very nice out.  Today it is supposed to be 86.  In February.  A 'cold' front is supposed to blow through late today however and will make the temps drop back into the mid-50s.  Where its supposed to be this time of year. 

The D.W.T.S is for the upcoming season of Dancing With The Stars.  If you follow my blog even the least bit you will know that I am a humongous fan.  They have released the name of the dancers for this season and it starts March 9! I soooo can't wait!!! YIPPEE!

The prayers are needed for my friend Nan's father.  I mentioned back around the 18th or so that he had brain surgery for a benign tumor.  It was a risky and very tedious surgery but all went well , and it didn't take as long as expected.  A few days after he got moved into the Neuro stepdown unit - which isn't the ICU, but still very good care.  He progressed to the point where a few days ago he got moved to rehab.  Then yesterday her mother got a call that he had suffered two grand mal seizures and was back in the hospital.  
When Nan came to pick Nicole up this morning to take the kiddos to school, she told me they still don't know what caused the seizures but he has several blood clots in his legs and lungs.  He is in the critical care unit at this time and needs prayers very badly.  
I know this man personally.  He is a very generous, sweet, kind hearted, singing, ex-military man that just needs a bit of help atm.

And last but not least, somehow I messed up my phone.  My camera phone.  The camera phone that I use to take all pics that I post here on my blog.  Crap.  I took it to the store yesteday and they said somehow I had gotten it wet.  Could have been by sweat, or leaving it in the bathroom during a steamy shower.  Double crap.  I do that all the time.  I have done that for the past year since I've had the phone. So why now? why did this happen just before I finish the baby blanket?Oh well. I guess I have to go dig out the videocam or get a cheap digital camera.

I did take one picture of the blanket to send to the friend that I am making it for so she could see the pattern and stuff so I will post that so you can get some idea.

Hope everyone has a great day!


Laura ~Peach~ said...

prayers for Nans father...
hummm on th phone... target had some good digitals for under 100.00 the blanket is beautiful :) Come see bradley he looks like he will be a big chubbby boy LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi Marcy we got you beat out here in West Tx Wed was 56 at 6am and at 11 am when up to 91 and today 53 at 6am 87 at 12pm with wind at 20 to 30 mph and dust hey what fun in the oil patch. The one only Bubba.

Queenie Jeannie said...

That totally stinks about your camera - sorry! Prayers for your friend too!!

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