Well the baby blanket I was crocheting for Breon's baby is finally finished!! I am extremely proud of it since I have never made a baby blanket before and I didn't need help with the pattern at all. I finished it Friday night, and Chris took pictures of me holding it. We tried to take some close ups of the stitches and such, but they didn't turn out real well.

And I promised pictures of my moms dog, Tipper. He is a min-pin. He's a really sweet dog, very loyal and he has a very cute bark. I will probably give him back to my mom this Thursday or Saturday, depending on when Chris can go with me since he just got a job--WOOHOO!! more about that later. Enjoy the pics. Nicole got in them too!

Marcy, the Baby Blanket looks GREAT! Congratulations!
Love, Nikki
You did a GREAT job Marcy! My first baby blanket was for Sarah. I did it before she was born and it's a little lopsided because I didn't get my tension right until halfway through, lol. That minpin looks just like my little Shadow.
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