Wednesday, August 19, 2009

One Week Later

Here's my mom as she was this morning! See? no more bruising, but there is still some swelling around the incision site, and under her eyes, but doesn't she look great?
She commented how wonderful it was to put on a baseball cap and actually be able to see the rim! she also told me she could see her WHOLE building outside now, instead of just what was right in front of her.

Her eyes still aren't totally fixed yet, as she has been diagnosed with Macular Degeneration in both eyes, but we are working on getting all of that taken care of.

In other news today, Nicole has survived the first two days of school and is on her third. She likes her teachers, and is trying to make new friends... She was really bummed about starting this school year without her BFF Carson. Carsons mom and dad have decided to homeschool her and her older brother , so it was kind of a bittersweet back to school. They still keep in touch though and I'm sure there will be many sleepovers.

Wow, I had to break there for a sec and answer the phone. I already had sub days scheduled for the first week in September, but I just got asked to sub first gradenext Tuesday! WOOT!
Also, the other day one of the other Lifeschool campuses called and asked if I would like to be one of their subs too! I really can't do that until my MIL moves in , so there would still be one of us to pick Nicole up at her campus.

Thats about it for now, except that I ask all of you to keep my friend Christina of RantRavenRoll and her family in your prayers. They were on one last short vacation before school starts , and while on this vacation her MIL had a stroke ( they think) while they were at Sea World. She is in a hospital there in San Antonio , and the doctors and nurses aren't giving Christi and her family the kind of information they need.

Have a great day!


Chris H said...

Your Mum is looking great!

Michelle said...

What a difference for your mom. That has to be so empowering for her. congrats to her that it worked so well!

Queenie Jeannie said...

I hope Nicole has a fabulous year!!!

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