Second of all - My sweet hubby has had an upset stomach for about a week now and he went to the doctor Wednesday. They ran some tests and said he had a bacterial infection in his stomach. After further testing they identified it as the bacteria that can cause ulcers - yippee - so a week or phenergan and penicillin and he should be back to normal.
Third - PLEASE go over and give Hallie some bloggy lovin' - that poor girl at the moment is in emotional hell. Her hubby has had some major surgeries in the past and she thought that 2009 would be a wonderful , surgery free year, but alas that was not to be. He sliced his hand at work the other day severing nerves and tendons. They had a surgical consult today and not sure of the outcome of that yet.
Today at work, the kids were still taking their TAKS tests so I got stuck on latrine duty again - fun fun...on the bright side I was able to get a good start on the last strip of my current lapghan, finish New Moon, and start Eclipse. GO BELLA!!
After work Nicole and I went by the library where I happened to pick up two more books. I know I have a problem... considering I've already started one of them. BUT I will read them both within the next two weeks.
Well, I guess I'll sign off for now considering Nicole is looking over my shoulder trying to make me finish faster so SHE can play on the computer.
Working all day tomorrow so I'll catch up with you all in the afternoon! Take Care!