Thursday, July 31, 2008
Where Oh Where Has My Little Girl Gone?
She stayed with Nicole while I went to the doctor.
When I came home from the doctor, I saw my little girl get into my mothers truck.
My mom called me when they got to her house to tell me they were home safe.
When she calls us in the evening to tell us goodnight she calls us mommy and daddy.
When I aske my mother yesterday how Nicole was behaving, was she helping her out with stuff, etc... my mother informed me that she was being such a good girl. One morning before coming out of the bedroom after getting up she MADE MY MOMS BED!
One morning my mom asked her what she wanted her to make her for breakfast and she asked if she could MAKE HER OWN SCRAMBLED EGGS, THEN DID!
One night after dinner my mom went to take her dog for a final potty walk and aksed Nicole to stay there and do the few dishes left over from the meal, and SHE WASHED AN DRIED THEM ALL AND STACKED THEM ON THE COUNTER READY TO BE PUT AWAY!!!!
She has been seeing alot of her aunts while at my moms too and everyone seay how much shes grown up and HOW POLITE SHE IS!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
How Did U Find Me?
Here are a few things people have googled and landed on my site:
Rev.Melissa Bitting - Now this baffles me a bit, as this was my boss when I worked for my church. A search has been from Dallas and Houston. She is involved in a lot of activities, but could she also be searching for a new job? Who knows ( and I don't really care...)
Renaissance Boobs/Scarborough Faire Boobs - Sorry, can't help ya'll there. I don't have boob pictures on my puter, but I remember I talked about the amount of bodice poppage when we visited there this year.
Women's Flowery Underwear - lets just hope this was a grandma type person searching for new knickers
new shoes called YUMS/Yums in every color/bubble gum yums - Wow, I can't believe the amount of people searching for the shoes YUMS! That is a good thing though... Look on my sidebar to get to the website!
Things beginning with the letter E - hmm, lets see, exotic, erotic, egotistical, eclectic, errand, egg, eroneous....
I've had over 3000 hits which makes me happy. Just as happy as to see the comments ya'll leave me. Fellow bloggers will understand that little happy feeling.
Have ya'll gone to my BFF Nikki's blog and played her movie music trivia game? If you haven't , look in my below post and go do it! Its alot of fun.
Michelle of SoS, the brain behind Its4theKids, has come up with yet another way to raise money for Pediatric Cancer Research. If you haven't checked the site lately , please do so as new kids have been added, new ideas, and tons of comments. Since its launch a few months ago it has had over 6000 hits which is totally amazing. Michelle has also listed the amounts of money she has sent to families in need of just a little extra push. She has personally come to know alot of these kiddos and she is doing an amazing job. Look at her post today on SoS as she has up some greeting cards she has made, selling them for a dollar a piece I think.
Thank goodness Mother Nature heard the cries of Texans everywhere and has given us a bit of a cool wave - its only supposed to get to 99 degrees today with some rain, as opposed to the 103+degrees its been the last week or so. I swear it feels like you are walking face first into a ginormous hair dryer when just stepping outside to get the mail.
Hope ya'll have a good day!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
How Well Do You know Your Movie Music?
The contest will run through this Saturday, maybe early sunday morning incase she gets any late entries.
Now on to other business. Look at my post below. See my Mickey/Minnie award from Peach?
I thought I would never get an award, and now I've received two! ( YAY ME:))
Now I'm going to pass that award on to a few others. Since Peach and I read alot of the same blogs I was trying to figure out who to send it too, so I came up with:
NIKKI - my dear , sweet, loving BFF. and since it shows Mickey/Minnie walking and holding hands like friends, I think its pretty self explanatory. And yes, a post will be coming soon detailing our 20+ yrs of friendship.
LENA - is a also a real life friend of mine, although we don't get to see each other a whole lot. We keep in touch mainly through our blogs and e-mail. She is an LDS SAHM to 5 wonderful and beautiful children. She also homeschools them all! She is one smart cookie, and alot of fun to be around.
ALLISON - I haven't known her a very long time, however when I have communicated with her by e-mail and while reading her blog, she seems to have a very loving heart. She is sweet, and funny , and a purse hound like me.
So like I mentioned, go pick up your award from my post below and spread the love if you feel so inclined:))
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Also, thank you so much for hoping my foot is ok. It seems to be doing a bit better and I don't think I will need to go to the doctor - YIPPEE
Monday, July 28, 2008
Monday, MOnday
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
A Few Minutes Later...
:)) Ok , my Monday just got a little bit better! After I did my not so informative post above, the first of my blogger friends that I went to vist was Peach, and she gave me an adorable award, MY SECOND! Thanks so much Peach, it definitely helped!
And this is what she said:
because she never fails to make me smile no matter whats happening that day and she is caring and giving :) thank you.
Like Peach , I have noticed alot of blog awards going around also, and will pass this one along tomorrow more than likely!
So until tomorrow...
Friday, July 25, 2008
Are You A Virgin???
The gist of the post is scary things. Not spiders, or anything like that but Chuckie the killer doll, Pennywise the Clown from IT, and Snuggle bear ( if you haven't read the post yet don't ask...).
I too am frightened by Pennywise the Clown. The clown doll from Poltergeist too. Many clowns in general freak me out , but not to the point that I won't go to a circus.
The comment left by Peach talked about Tim Curry, the actor that played Pennywise. Do any of you remember him from Rocky Horror Picture Show? I absolutely love that movie and was so going to do a post around Halloween about it, but oh well, I can still do a slightly different one then too.
So are any of you a virgin? Have any of you NOT been to see RHPS in the theater? If you have then you know what I'm talking about, if not , please, go to a theater when its showing ( usually around midnight), and go see it. You will no longer be a virgin. You will have fun - maybe.
The first time I went to see RHPS I was a virgin - the people with me weren't.
*Being a virgin when you go to see this show DOES NOT mean you will be having sex, get attacked or anything so don't completely freak on me here*
I had no clue what was going to happen that night when we went to the theater. When we checked in, the person at the door actually asked me if I was a virgin. I was like um... no....
They just laughed , handed me a brown paper lunch sack full of some stuff and sent me in.
( my date had told me to tell them I wasn't a virgin, still had no clue why at that point...)
I looked in the bag and found some uncooked rice, a rolled up newspaper a squirt gun filled with water and other strange objects. I'm like WTH?
When the movie started I still had no idea what to expect, but then the contents of the brown paper sack became extremely apparant. So if you have never seen Rocky Horror Picture Show at the theater at midnight, please go. It will be an experience you will never forget.
Here is a little clip or two form the movie - two of my favorite scenes. Keep in mind that Tim Curry is playing the main part... creepy how he looks in a bustier and heels!
Remember to stop my playlist so you can jam to these two songs!
( Dr. Frankenfurter....)
Lets do the Time Warp Again!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Must Love Ice Cream!
Go check it out, and Nikki's blog too, since yesterday was also her daughters 6th birthday!
Got my annual physical today. Yay...( read the sarcasm?) but on the brighter side, Nicole is leaving us again. My mom is coming to get her today when I have to go to the doctor since I don't know what I'd do with her during the exam. She is staying with my mom for week or so and then when she comes home its off to buy what she needs uniform wise for back to school since she goes back August 18!!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Prayers, a Purse and Icky Pedicures!
First of all, I haven't mentioned this in a while but there are a lot more kids added, and videos. Please go check out the blog trying to find a cure for Pediatric Cancer. If you are new to my blog, or a faithful reader, please go visit. One of our little warriors - Coleman, with his faithful sidekick Bunny FooFoo - got some bad news from a recent spinal tap. Team Larson really needs your prayers. You can visit and his care page name is Colemanscott.
Also , I'm almost finished with the purse I was crocheting. I will post a picture of it here soon, I promise. It's not that it is hard and long to make, its just that I haven't been working on it everyday. I'm sewing fabric intot he lining so I can actually use it and it won't stretch out the minute I put something in it!
As for the icky pedicures part i saw on the news this morning, that a salon in Virginia I think is now using little fishies to feast on the dead and flaky skin on your feet. Authorities are saying the water must still be changed for every customer but EWWW. The little fishies, about a hundred of them, feast on your cuticles and heels and such, and the people that hae had this done say its a wonderful way to get feet as smooth as a baby butt.
What happens after a long day and the fish are full? do you not get a good pedicure? do they keep hundreds of these little fishies and constantly rotate them? If you get one done, and like it, can you request those same fishies next time? or will they be dead?
Just some questions for you to ponder this morning.
Hope everyone has a great day!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Mama Mia
I'm not feeling very creative today, just wanted to say howdy to all in blogland and remind you that if you haven't visited Michelle at SoS, and joined her OHM ( one hot mama) weight loss group go over there, she is as pumped about this as she is about everything else! What have u got to lose? WEIGHT! What have u got to gain? Confidence and Self-Esteem, two great reasons to do this!
*when you click on that post it has some pictures before she talks about OHm, so don't hink I linked ya'll to the wrong one!*
Have a great day!
Monday, July 21, 2008
What is in a Name?
Chris and I thought that when we named Nicole that she had a very unique name. Her legal first name is Honor, after a great , great, great aunt or whatever on Chris' side of the family.
NOW, Jessica Alba has named her new baby girl Honor Marie. She said she wanted a solid ,unique, old-fashioned name for her baby. /sigh
In truth when people hear Nicoles true first name they are like huh? Honor? and I'm like yup, as in Honor thy father and thy mother... ( no that is not why we named her that but it is the best example I can think of when people question that her first name really is Honor)
Where we used to live their was a little girl named Faith, on the same block, and what was weirder was that her middle name too was Nicole. We had Honor and Faith Nicole a couple houses apart, it was kind of funny.
But the names some poeple come up with , even if they aren't celebrities baffles me. Do these people truthfully think that name sounds good?
I remember when my mom and I used to work for the same company, and she was working payroll. She came across this name, and did a double take. ( You know when a name is too long to fit on those tiny form lines, sometimes it will cut part of the name off?) Well when she did the double take her eyes had not deceived her, this kids name on the form from an employee read SHIT. We were like huh? Some moron mom named her kid SHIT? When my mom, desperately trying to keep a straight face questioned the mom, she said "oh no, his name is SHITE ( pronounced shitay)!!! OH. MY. GOD.
On that note I will leave you with this video, and pleae rmember to turn off y playlist in order to hear it!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
I Love Lucy
Don't forget to click on Stop on my playlist so you can actually hear the Lucy videos
Friday, July 18, 2008
How could you NOT know?????
Yesterday and this morning I watched a show called Amazing Births. Now I have heard stories of women giving birth in odd places. Even those that didn't know they were pregnant till they gave birth. I'm sure it is totally possible to either be in total denial, uninformed or whatever. But what do you think it is when that baby kicks? GAS? I know when I was pregnant if I had had gas feel like that I would have been worried, lol. Here are some of the strange places I've watched women give birth on this show:
--a woman in Africa gave birth in a tree while flood waters raged around her
--a woman gave birth in her dorm room , not knowing she was pregnant till when the baby crowned. She had been told she could never have a baby.
--the woman from here in the DFW area that gave birth in her classroom. ( I had heard about this one in 2002 when it happened and I just saw it on this show!) It was her third baby, and she thought she was having braxton hix contractions, then her water broke, they got the classroom outside and the school nurse and her teaching assistant delivered the baby.
--a woman caught in an ice storm delivered roadside
--a woman gone into premature labor with twins delivered roadside
--a woman delivered on a ferry boat trying to get to the mainland from Nantucket
-- a 13 yr old Girl Scout delivered her moms baby on the bedroom floor
On one or two of these births I thought to myself, ok, they knew they were pregnant. Some had had kids before, but just thought it was early cramping. Then they'd stop and pack their bags ( shouldn't that have been done like months before? ) drop the other kids off at a babysitters...
Then they would leave for the hospital and not make it.
I know every pregnancy and delivery is different , but hmmm, guess I just can't imagine not being prepared, or having to fight Mother Nature or whatever.
I think the weirdest one we saw yesteday was a woman, knowing she was pregnant, wanted to give birth 'naturally'. Not just meaning no pain meds... she meant no doctors, no hospital, NOTHING!, instead her and her hubby went to some island they knew of and looked for a tide pool of an ocean where it would be peaceful to give birth...
I have also heard of water births, but come on.. in a tidepool? living like Robinson Crusoe? with NO DOCTOR???
I think if I were to ever have another baby, I'd want a water birth. In a hospital, with a doctor. NO tidepools thank you very much:))
I"m sure some of you right now are thinking HUH? just like I was. Look for the channel, watch it, you may just be hooked:)) Here in Dallas on cable it is channel 200 fyi.
Have a great day all!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Out of the mouth of My Babe
Hope your morning started out better:))
Ok, before I get into interesting and funny stuff that has come out of Nicoles mouth over the years, first, I thought I'd start you off by telling you to click HERE, and get a good guffaw going.
-- When Nicole was in pre-k, our routine when got out of school at 11 am was to go home, eat lunch and then take a walk to the mail boxes down the road. One day I got a sample of tampons in the mail. Since it was her job to carry the mail back home she had a fun time looking at the pretty blue pearlesent (sp?) tiny box , desperatly wanting to know what was in it. When I looked in it and verified to myself what it was I sort of explained to her 4 yr old mind what it was. No more questions. That was it. I thought...
The following conversation ensued the next day after lunch...
Nicole: mommy, I saw my gina.
me: wha? huh?
Nicole: I saw my gina lastnight. You know mommy, where the pantons go.
me: (desperately trying to keep a straight face) and just how did u see your gina?
Nicole: I took your mirror out of your drawer and took it in the bathtub with me.
This conversation took place when she was about 4 1/2-5yrs old and was on a baby brother/sister kick.
Nicole: mommy, when am I going to have a baby brother or sister?
me: probably never
Nicole: why? all my friends at school are getting them... I want one
me: well honey, you know that medicine that mommy takes every night? well that means I'm not going to have another baby.
Nicole: well then, I'll just go throw your pills away, then I'll get a baby brother or sister because I really want one!
me: well, the doctor told mommy after you were born to not have any more babies so please don't throw mommy's pills away.
(Immediately after saying that I took off into my bathroom and got my pills and hid them where she couldn't even try to reach them).
While were standing in line at the DMV for our license tags:
Nicole: ( adamantly staring at the hippy-like couple standing behind us in line - she looks at the lady and pipes up - very loudly)
Is that your man?
When the couple heard her and busted out laughing at how cute she was , I wanted the floor to swallow me. Then even louder than the fist time, she asked me
Mommy, is that her man?
I told her yes and to bequiet, and thankfully the lady at the window called us up.
When she was around 2-3 years old my parents used to watch her in the evenings, because Chris and I wereon like 2nd shift and got off very late.
One night I went to pick her up and my dad was mad. He asked me what I let that child watch on T.V. I was like, um, Barney, Sesame Street and stuff. Why?
My mother couldn't stop laughing by this time. I asked her what had happened to make daddy ask me that question. She told me that Nicole was playing with her toddler ironing board and placemats and iron and stuff. She was making dinner for her grandma and papa.
She had all the stuff spread out on her ironing board like a table and loudly asked
Ok, who wants a condom??
Seems like my father ignored her, and my mother tried hard to keep a straight face and just answered they weren't hungy right now. My mom quickly got her interested in something else.
I have to explain why she asked that so you don't bombard me with comments on how I shouldn't have been teaching my 3 yr old about condoms. I had just gotten the 10 best episodes of FRIENDS on VHS. For my birthday. Nicole didn't get most of the jokes but laughed when I did and always wanted to watch the Monica tapes. That is probably where she heard the word condom and creatively tried to use it in a sentence:)) Wasn't she a smart little girl?:))
K, now that I have totally embarrased her if she ever reads this I have to ask that you go visit Hallie today. She has just found out some news about her beloved Schmoopy and needs lots of love and hugs and prayers sent her way.
Hope everyone else has a great day!
Also , go check out Noble Pig's blog, she is into good wine and good food. She is a self proclaimed potato ho. She even wants to know your potato ho name - you take your pets first name and put it with your middle name, so my potato ho name is Cooper Lee. Sounds like a perfect stripper name does it not?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Either her computer was having fits, or mine was, but either way CHICA asked Chris a question for his blog-interview and I didn't get it, so she e-mailed it to me. She asked
' If You could buy Marcy anything in the world and money was no object, what would it be and why??'
"Hmmm, good question, I'll have to give that one some thought..."
So, when I get an answer out of him, I will let ya'll know! (I'm kind of anxious to hear that answer too!)
And yahoo , yippee, I got my first BLOG AWARD from Coffee Bean, and here it is:
She awarded it to all who linked back to her awareness of Dystonia. She suffers from this, and has a hard time being heard when she speaks. Click here to see more on her blog about this. She also said some really sweet things about my blog and said I am a lady with a big heart. Thanks Coffee Bean! I try to be all that and more.
Also , Michelle at SoS is trying to lose some weight before attending her High School Reunion.So she is trying to get faithful readers and lurkers alike to join her in her caloric intake cut down. All ya gotta do is visit her here, and join in the fun!
I'm still crocheting, just haven't finished much to show ya'll yet. I have finished crocheting the purse I tried and it came out cute cute cute, however I still have to get the fabric ( probably this weekend) to sew the insides with so it doesn't stretch out when I put stuff in it. If ya'll like them and might want one I will try to figure out a price in case I'm asked, since Christmas is only 5 months away! Can youbelieve it? Also, Nicole goes back to school in 4 1/2 wks! I have to start making her try on her uniform shirts and stuff from last year to see what actually still fits her. Please, someone , tell me where the year has gone? Is it just me or has it just flown by? It's like here one minute and gone the next.
Oh, I just thought of one more thing. If you have dogs that are due for their shots, be careful! You don't want to have to go through what Allison did yesterday! I just hope her 4-legged babies are all right.
Just like I did for my friend Kristen, I will soon do the same thing about my BFF Nikki. She doesn't know what pictures I may have , but I can be pretty sure I'm not going to put anything TOO embarrassing up about her. I love her too much to hurt her, but I may put up something that is kind of funny, but NOT mean:))) Just you wait and see Nik!
Hope everyone is having a great day. To break some of the monotony here, Nicole and I went to the library then went to Sonic and bought half-price shakes during their happy hour. When its this freakin' hot out there isnt' much you can do , except swim or stay indoors. Chris enjoyed his shake too, since he's been home yesterday and today with a bad summer cold that is going around down here. He hasn't had a voice for 2 days ( lucky me:)) J/K honey! Luv Ya!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
My Hubby
Ok, I didn't get many questions to interview Chris with, but the ones I got were really good.
When I firsttold him that my blog friends were going to interview him, he was like 'huh?"
" do I HAVE to answer them?"
I told him nope you don't , but then I'd just have to answer for you.
Last night, he said he was ready to be interviewed. I told him only 4 people had asked questions about him. He said " only 4?" ( Think he was ready to be asked TONS of questions? lol"
Anyway , here goes: ( I will fill in some commentary to any question I feel he didn't answer good enough:))
Noble Pig asks:
"What is your favorite breakfast dish? your favorite dinner dish?"
Overnight French Toast is my favorite. However, now that I was diagnosed with Diabetes, I love any combo of eggs and some sort of meat. Marcy still makes the overnight french toast on special occasions though.
Allison with The Brady's said:
"I don't have any questions, I just want to see a picture of the two of you together"
Ok, Allison, here goes. This is a picture from our wedding day. I'm sure Marcy has a bunch more stuffed somewhere, but this is the one that I knew where it was. She has about 5 or 6 one-time use cameras to still be developed.
Laura~Peach asks:
"How did you two meet? How long did you date? and who chased whom?"
Well, I'm going to let Marcy actually answer that one, since its the same story:))"
We met at a country bar one night when the guy I was with took me there to meet his friends. Chris was one of them, and I had to try really hard to not let my jaw hit the floor when I saw him!
I couldn't help myself - every time he went by me on the dance floor if i wasn't dancing, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. that was sooooo unlike me -if I was with one guy I didn't usually check others out , and this was my dates best friend!
We actually were together for about 2 years before we got married, but we lived together for most of that time. He kind of moved into my apartment the Monday after our first official date!
But up until that point which was only a few weeks, I set him up with my best friend Nikki, and constantly tried to set things up where I knew he'd be there!
As for who chased whom? I chased him...I mean come on,lol, when I set him up with my BFF Nikki, when he showed up at the apartment, I'M the one who ran down the stairs to greet him! lol. I don't think I was very subtle. Also I was talking to Nikki and she only agreed to go out with him because I said how great he was. She wasn't into cowboys at the time. In fact she HATES country music, but agreed to the date because it was the 4thof July and it sounded like fun.
Michelle asks:
" What is your least favorite habit of hers?"
That's easy! When her ears itch and she makes this weird sound with her throat trying to get them to stop itching. It gets to me worse than nails down a chalkboard!
Why do you love her so much? What do you love most about her?
My honest answer is that it is impossible to answer that question. I can't actually put that much emotion into words. That would be like trying to pick a favorite child - you can't do it!
How do you feel about her blog?
I think it is a great idea. It offers her a good outlet, and its something for her to get interested in.
Coffee Bean asks:
Has MaBunny made you a special lapghan yet? And if so is it your favorite to sit and snuggle under when its chilly?
NO! she has not made me a lapghan yet, and she's made 4 so far! But she better make me one and SOON!
I will I promise!
What is your favorite thing that she cooks for you?
Her Meatloaf - she makes great meatloaf
Do you get annoyed by her blogging?
No, just annoyed at the stories I sometimes have to listen to that she has read on other blogs,
There folks! Hope you enjoyed 'meeting' my DH, my hubby, the love of my life...
Have a great day!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Ask Away!!
After the last 150 or more blog posts I'm figuring you know enough about me for the time being. That is why for the next 3 days you can ask whatever questions you would like to know about my significant other - CHRIS!
He doesn't know it yet, but I will ask him whatever inquiring minds want to know.
I will give you till about 5 pm Monday to ask ANYTHING ( within reason) to my sweetheart.
I will post the answers for Tuesdays post hoepfully. With the hours he has been working he has been getting home late in the evening, eating dinner then passing out from sheer exhaustion.
So all you frequent readers, lurkers ( yes I know you are there) and anyone else feel free to ask away!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Laundry Lessons Learned
Today I told her she was going to have to get off her butt, empty her suitcase, wash what needed to be washed and put away what wasn't dirty. She is at the age where she is starting to be able to do laundry by herself, and she can cook scrambled eggs, sloppy joes, mix a meatloaf and make pancakes ( all under my supervision- but I only step in if shes about to dump the meatloaf on the floor or burn something...).
She told me she was going to do her own laundry. I said fine go ahead , but if you need help just ask. I even heard the washer stop and went to put a load of her stuff in the dryer for her.
It was a very small load of laundry. A little while later I heard the washer going again. I asked her what was in there. She told me it was her tide-eyed shirt from camp and had to be washed separately. I thought okies, probably because it hadn't been washed since it was tied-eyed at camp and she didn't want to get paint all over other things.
About an hour later I saw her go in the laundry room and again I heard the washer being started. I asked her what she was washing now. I told her that I knew her aunt had washed some of her stuff so she couldn't possibly have that much laundry.
Her reply? Well mom, some stuff said to be washed in cold, some on hot...
me: ok, so did you put the other stuff that needed to be washed in there with your stuff?
her: what other stuff?
me: The other laundry... you know , the stuff in the dirty clothes basket...
her: well, um , no
me: ( trying to not be mad at her because technically she did the RIGHT thing), ok, but no more ok honey? because now I have to use yet more water tomorrow and wash all the things that could have gone in with your things... And I don't want to go in there to start a load and find I have no soap when I still had half a bottle Monday ...
So, at least now she knows that when she has small loads, she is to go looking or ASK me if there are other things to be washed. I had just done all the laundry Monday, so there wasn't that much to do , but still...
hopefully she will have learned a small , yet very powerful, laundry lesson.
Also, I can't remember who's blog I saw this mentioned on but since Nicole is having a bit of trouble with her multiplication tables and we are working on them this summer before she goes back to 4th grade, I got her on
It has a game called Times Attackz, that is free to download and does 2-12s.
It is like a video game, where she has to kill and ogre by getting all the answers right. Its pretty cool , and not at all scary. If you happen to get one wrong , the troll or ogre pushes you down with his club. Not scary at all. If you have kids in the 8-10 range, try it .
Have a great day !
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
She's Home Safe !!
When she left here, she was frightened of the plane trip home. I told her that wasn't for almost 3 wks and she shouldn't worry about it . Well, by the time Uncle Charley and Aunt Tammy put her on the plane yesterday she was excited and ready to come home.
Thank goodness that Uncle Charley took some pictures of her and sent them home on a CD because she left her camera there with them:))
She came home with a piece of REAL Colorado gold in a bottle, a box of beautiful rocks, natural magnets, new pjs, a new shirt, shorts and assorted other thing a majigs...All in all she had a great time and is ready to go back next year.
She said she got to ride a horse, a very sweet mare that was blind in one eye, and that stopped when she got tangled up in some brush so that Nicole wouldn't fall off she said:)) She also went on a hike about a mile or so up the mountains and she said sleeping out side was ok.
It was holiday week, so every night they had dinner that went along with one of the big holidays, like all the trimmings for Thanksgiving and so on.
It all ended with the fourth of July, and the skits. She said for her and her cabin mates they redid the Pledge of Allegiance. She said they did a pledge to their cabin instead. She forgot the written words ( they r with Uncle Charley).
Enjoy these pictures!
When they first got there, after a VERY long drive
Her by her bunk
performing her skit with her cabinmates
Monday, July 7, 2008
Tomorrow, Tomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
There will be sun...
Tomorrow, Tomorrow
I love ya
She's only a day away!!
Thats right! I can't wait for tomorrow! I'm so excited to see my baby again. I miss her sooooo much. The house has been way too quiet. I'm ready for MOOOOOM, I'm thirsty!!!!
MOOOOM, where is (insert dolls, clothes or games here)
I love you mommy
and TONS of hugs...
I will probably cry for joy.
Will post pictures of her and her adventures within the week.
Hope everyone had a safe and happy weekend!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Popcorn by Cellphone
Hmmm. now can't get the video to load. But I will try to explain it. It showed 4 people sitting aroudn a small coffee like table. Each put their cell phones in a circle type arrangement around like 4-5 unpopped popcorn kernals.
Then from 4 other phones they called the cell phones and in a few seconds the kernals actually popped!!!
They did this like twice to make sure. I'm not kidding, and it kind of makes me wonder what I'm holding up next to my head when using my cell phone.
Dang , sure wish the video would have been available. Will try again later.
But speaking of popcorn - I WON POPCORN AND A CUTE POPCORN BOWL from a small but creative contest held by Manic Mommy. When I get my adorable popcorn bowl in the mail I will show it to you!
Anyway, on that note, I'm not sure what Chris and I will do today. We usually take Nicole to see fireworks, but since this is her last day at camp, we can't do that.
Uncle Charley and Aunt Tammy are going to the camp around 3:30 or so for the all family barbecue they will be having to celebrate the end of camp week and the 4th. Then after food, come the fun and each cabin will be doing a skit, then its pack up and head home time. I just wish she was heading back to our home. She will be coming home though on the 8th, so we can hardly wait. I will try to get some pictures of her when she gets off the plane. I know shes not looking forward to that plane trip, but I"m sure she will do fine.
I talked to Tammy the other day and she said she was missing Nicole too. They had enjoyed the previous week with her before they took her to camp. She told me they let her stay up however late she wanted and that they had put a TV and a bunch of tweenie type movies in there with her so she could enjoy herself while trying to go to sleep. HA! my child is a night owl. We put her to bed by like 10 and she wakes up so tired, and then tells me she didn't actuallygo to sleep but played with her barbies till around 11 or so, lol.
Anyway, I hope each and every one of you has a safe and happy 4th!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I told my friend Kristen that since she was tickled to see her name mentioned on my blog, I was going to do a lot more than that and make her the subject of a whole post... so Kristen, here you are!!!
Now I go back in time to Christ Community Hospital, Chicago, IL in 1971.
Two women were put in the same room after they delivered their babies.
They became the best of friends.
So did their babies.
Those babies were Kristen and I. She is exactly one day older then me. She has two older siblings, but I am an only child.
Kristen and I grew up practically side by side till my family moved to Texas in 1979.
It seemed we were connected in a way. We always attributed it to being born so close together, etc.
When she got sick, so did I. We liked all the same things. We usually celebrated our birthdays together.
Most people think we are related, even though we are not.
Even after my family moved to Texas we kept in touch.
Things happen in our lives to the point that it is eerie. She called me when we were in 9th grade I think and told me she had been diagnosed with Scoliosis
(curvature of the spine), and that she had to wear a brace that went up to her neck.
Jokingly after hearing that I mentioned to my mom, oh great, now I'll be diagnosed with it and put in a brace. I didn't know how true those words would be. Within the year, the school nurse thought my spine was slightly curved and notified my parents who took me to get examined. My spine was curved 21 degrees and I was being put in a lower back brace for the next year at least!!!!
We both dated guys named Mike - they tunred out to be bad news for both of us.
She got married on September 25, 1995.
Chris and I married August 24, 1996.
We were at each others weddings.
After her and Keith were back home from my wedding, I didn't hear from her for the longest time and became worried. I prayed I'd hear from her. Finally I did. And turns out she had been thinking of me too. Turns out she had a miscarriage, and was going thru a pretty rough time. Somehow I felt that. I knew somehow she was sad.
Thankfully now we have wonderful lives.
She is still happily married to a wonderful husband Keith, and has twin boys, Chase and Carson.
( our children were also born exactly one year and two days apart!!!)
Here are some photos of us:
Kristen and I in 1990, with our hunky waiter from the Sugar Shack
Kristne and I getting ready to go party
Drinking at the Sugar Shack
Isn't she beautiful?!!
Kristen and I on her wedding day
I hope ya'll enjoyed the pictures and the little trip down memory lane.
Now, I have to mention here that I also have a BFF, soul sister , whatever you want to call her , here in Texas. Her name is Nikki, and she will be the subject of a whole post here in the near future too:))
Hope everyone is doing well!
Come back and see me!
*( if the pictures look a little funky, I'm sorry, just learning how to use our scanner!)
and you can click onthe pictures to make them bigger!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Dance, Dance , Dance
You Are Disco Dancing |
![]() You are very energetic and lively. You could dance all night. Fun loving and social, you like dancing best when everyone in the room is dancing. You love to dance to anything, and it's hard to stop once you start. You love dancing in a crowd. And no matter how big the crowd, all eyes are usually on you. |